Here I share techniques or things I have learnt that I hope you'll find helpful. Everything has come from my personal experience and if you have any questions or feedback please leave a comment on the relevant blog post on Instagram.
May 30 2024: Mezzotint
This year I am on a mission to expand my printmaking skills and one of the techniques I learnt was Mezzotint. This Summer’s blog records my experiences with this beautiful technique and what I learnt.
Feb 26 2024: Aquatint Etching
This year I had my first go at an Aquatint etching and this is what I did and what I learnt.
Dec 3 2023: Mini Prints
Creating mini prints can be quite challenging. This is what I have learnt.
Oct 4 2023: Tetra Pak Christmas Cards
I decided it was time to try using Tetra Pak to print my own Christmas Cards. Previous experiments demonstrated that I could print a Tetra Pak plate onto some papers without the need to soak the paper first. Major breakthrough! This non soak approach worked well on an envelope (A Letter in Mind - Brain Trust charity) and also on a blank postcard (Local town charity) so this blog is what happened when I tried this approach on Christmas Cards.
Jun 26 2023: Exhibiting in a local cafe
This year I had the opportunity to exhibit my work in a local independent cafe and in this summer blog I share what I have learnt from this experience.
Feb 12 2023: A quick tour of my studio
Like many people I started doing art on the dining table covered in a wipeable cloth with some stackable plastic boxes containing paper, inks, lino, pencils, paints etc. It worked ok but limited how much I could do, when I could work, what size I could work at and then there was the constant worry about spills and splashes. So in 2019 when I completed my FDAD we took the plunge and bought a home studio which I share with my partner who is a potter. A year later I expanded into the garage with my print room allowing me the absolute joy of being able to print at home. This blog is a walk around both studio spaces covering products used and how things are set up. Spoiler alert, there is a lot of stuff from IKEA.
Dec 4 2022: Working on a Commission
I recently completed my first print commission and this month’s blog covers how I approached it and what I learnt.
Nov 13 2022: Printing Inks
This blog covers the pros and cons that I have found with different types of printing inks used for Linocut, Drypoint and Collagraph printmaking.
Oct 1 2022: Newlyn School of Art painting
Courses to improve painting the gorgeous Cornish coastline at The Newlyn School of Art.
Sep 6 2022: Working to a theme
I recently exhibited some Collagraph prints for the ‘Biscuits and Bricks’ exhibition which required work related to a specific theme. Creating something in your style but which is also easily identifiable within the theme represented something of a challenge and this months blogs covers how I approached this.
Aug 1 2022: Exhibiting your work
Late last year I decided to start exhibiting my work and this months blog covers suppliers I use and things I have learnt.
Jul 1 2022: Drypoint printing
For anyone who loves drawing and printmaking this blog is about simple Drypoint etching.
Jun 1 2022: Tetra Pak Collagraphs - 10 things I have learnt
I have been doing a lot of printing using Tetra Pak and this months blog cover key hints and tips that I have learnt.
May 1 2022: Sketching outside: Tips and Tools
This month is all about the simple tools and approach I take when sketching outside.
Apr 2 2022: Courses that deliver
Its spring time and if you are looking to improve your practices or just for the pleasure of trying something new then this is my list of courses and tutors who I would highly recommend.
Mar 1 2022: Tetra Pak printing
What I have learnt about printing using a Tetra Pak.
Feb 1 2022: Using Gold Leaf
Adding gold leaf to a print or a painting can really create an interesting element to the work and it is very easy to do. I have been experimenting with this technique and this is my quick guide.
Jan 2 2022: Is a FDAD for you?
It's a new year and a great time to consider courses and things to move your art onto the next level. I did a Foundation Diploma in Art and Design (FDAD) at #WestDeanCollege and if you are wondering if a FDAD is for you then please read on.
Dec 3 2021: Creating a Collagraph
As you can probably tell I love to create Collagraphs and this is my simple guide to creating one.
Nov 9 2021: Drawing tips
This blog covers things that have helped me improve my drawing skills or are simply my go to places when I am stuck and want some inspiration.